Monday, April 9, 2012

Project 2 - GameMaker Level - Progress Report III

This week I finished all of the basic physics in Gamemaker.  I also finalized the character sprite and added animations.  Ben was invaluable in helping me puzzle out how all of this works!

This is the background that I completed in Photoshop.  It combines news articles and headlines from the beginning of the invasion of Afghanistan in October of 2001 with images of people, landscapes and events in the region.  It also features headlines and stories concerning the 2012 massacre of 16 Afghani civilians.  I formed these images into the shape of a mountain range in Afghanistan, and added a pixelized  star field background to tie it into the 8-bit theme of the level. 

The only thing left to complete is the sound collage, which is easily the most important part of the level.  The hail of gunfire and other noises are what will drive the player forward.

Detail of Background

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Project 2 - GameMaker Level - Progress Report II

So far I have created the basic sprite for my level.  I will change it to suit whatever the final design of our game's character is.  It is modeled after characters from Atari 2600 games.

I have also created a basic map in Gamemaker.  I have all of the foreground blocks laid out on the ground level.  I will be modifying the placement of various geographic features after play-testing and modifying the size of the player character.  

For next week I am going to have the level's physics fully functional, as well as the foreground and background images completed.